In “Hands On,” Robbins speaks to various societal problems facing today’s generation of children. The song’s strong musical beat combines with a catchy chorus, creating a tune that offers up observations on the community’s role in raising—and raising up—the youngest generation.
“The title, ‘Hands On,’ refers to the Jewish tradition in which family members place their hands upon a boy or girl as they experience their bar or bat mitzvahs,” says Robbins. “Through that practice, children receive prayers and blessings in keeping with the Biblical saying, ‘May the Lord bless you and keep you.’”
Robbins says the song’s message is a timely one.
“The concept serves as a call for an entire community to become active participants in the lives of today’s youth, especially in the wake of such challenges as cyberbullying and school violence,” explains Robbins.
With a rocking gospel sound, the thought-provoking song references Old Testament ideas and today’s hot-button protest topics. It concludes with a rousing call-to-action, challenging listeners to bless a child and touch a soul by living “Hands On.”